Welcome to the Cambria Library!

 About this Branch

The Cambria Library is located at 1043 Main Street in Cambria, California. The Library is 5,800 square feet with space for children, teens, and leisure reading, and circulates over 100,000 items a year. It serves the north Coast of San Luis Obispo County, as well as many people along Highway 1 in the remote area of southern Big Sur, in the neighboring Monterey County.

The first official County Library in Cambria opened in August 1921 on Bridge Street with about 250 items. The current location at 1043 Main Street opened December 26, 2013.

 Branch Resources

Newspaper Holdings

  • Cambrian
  • LA Times
  • Wall Street Journal
  • Sunday NYT

Ongoing Programs

  • Storytimes
  • Coloring Club for Adults / Last Thursday / 4:00pm (registration required)
  • eReader Training / Wednesday / 4:00pm  (registration required)
  • eReader Training / Friday  / 2:30pm  (registration required)
  • Cambria Library Events Calendar

 Special Features

  • Friends of the Cambria Library Bookstore



Branch Manager:Laura Vazquez


Information: 805-927-4336



Tuesday 10AM - 6PM

Wednesday 10AM - 6PM

Thursday 9AM - 5PM

Friday 1PM - 5PM

Saturday 9AM - 5PM


Contact Information

1043 Main St.

Cambria CA


Circulation: 805-927-4336

Fax: 805-927-3524


County Supervisor District 2

Bruce Gibson